On the joint development of new varieties of maize to seek the announcement: Our friends to invite national seed industry, new varieties of maize varieties have their own (national trial, the provincial examination) of the units or individuals who wish to invite our participation in the joint development, please contact us! Other cotton and oil type, vegetable seeds can also be linked.

      => ROOTSTOCK
      => CABBAGE
      => PAKCHOI
      => RADISH
      => HOT PEPPER
      => CUCUMBER
      => WATER MELON
      => MELON

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Thedevelopment of cold plasma mulch in Shandong province Seed Group Co.,Ltd.is advancing steadily

   Recently, by the provincial company to implement the cold plasma cockroach breeding work steadily advancing, remarkable results. At present, the number of alfalfa varieties in China is small, which can not meet the needs of alfalfa production. Although our country has developed good varieties such as cold resistance, salt tolerance and downy mildew resistance, it is urgent to speed up the cultivation of more high quality and high yield alfalfa varieties.

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