On the joint development of new varieties of maize to seek the announcement: Our friends to invite national seed industry, new varieties of maize varieties have their own (national trial, the provincial examination) of the units or individuals who wish to invite our participation in the joint development, please contact us! Other cotton and oil type, vegetable seeds can also be linked.

      => ROOTSTOCK
      => CABBAGE
      => PAKCHOI
      => RADISH
      => HOT PEPPER
      => CUCUMBER
      => WATER MELON
      => MELON

2021 Product catalog

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图片新闻 Shandong Province Seeds Group Co. , Ltd. participated in the 2021 Yangtze River Delta (Nanjing) Seed Industry Expo [2021-5-26]
图片新闻 Shandong Province Seeds Group Co. , Ltd. attends the 2021 Zhejiang Seed Industry Expo [2021-5-26]
图片新闻 Shandong Province Seeds Group Co., Ltd. to participate in the 22 Shouguang International Vegetable Science and Technology Expo [2021-4-25]
图片新闻 Shao Changyong Chairman of Shandong Province Seeds Group Co., Ltd.participated in the 38th Wuhan Seeds Fair in 2021 [2021-4-16]
图片新闻 Shandong Province Seeds Group Co., Ltd. jointly established the National Forestry and grassland Bureau of improved grassland engineering technology research center approved [2021-4-6]
图片新闻 Shandong Province Seeds Group Co., Ltd. to participate in 2021 China Seeds Conference and Nanfan Silicon Valley Forum(2021-4-1 9:33:53) [2021-4-1]
图片新闻 Shandong Province Seed Group Co.,Ltd.has also obtained an independent intellectual property national invention patent authorization [2021-3-15]
图片新闻 Congratulations to Shandong Province Seed Group Co.,Ltd. " LuHu No.1" zucchini to obtain the agricultural and rural plant new variety right certificate [2021-2-15]
图片新闻 Warmly congratulate Shandong Province Seed Group Co.,Ltd. as the 2020 advanced unit of trade statistics [2021-1-18]
图片新闻 Shandong Province Seed Group Co.,Ltd.2020 work summary and 2021 work deployment conference held in Jinan [2021-1-15]
图片新闻 Shandong Province Seed Group Co., Ltd. to participate in the second Xingtai International Crucifer Vegetable Industry in 2020 [2020-10-20]
图片新闻 Shandong Province Seed Group Co.,Ltd. to participate in the 12th South West Seed Industry Expo 2020 [2020-8-25]
图片新闻 Jinan Quancheng Customs first exit crop seed plant quarantine certificate issued [2020-8-18]
图片新闻 Jinan Quancheng Customs first crop seed exit enterprise registration certificate issued [2020-6-10]
图片新闻 Thedevelopment of cold plasma mulch in Shandong province Seed Group Co.,Ltd.is advancing steadily [2020-4-28]
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