On the joint development of new varieties of maize to seek the announcement: Our friends to invite national seed industry, new varieties of maize varieties have their own (national trial, the provincial examination) of the units or individuals who wish to invite our participation in the joint development, please contact us! Other cotton and oil type, vegetable seeds can also be linked.

      => ROOTSTOCK
      => CABBAGE
      => PAKCHOI
      => RADISH
      => HOT PEPPER
      => CUCUMBER
      => WATER MELON
      => MELON

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Jinan Quancheng Customs first crop seed exit enterprise registration certificate issued

In order to expand the overseas vegetable seed market and export our own fine varieties, Shandong seed Co., Ltd. has recently passed Jinan Customs examination to obtain the registration qualification of overseas seedling flower production and management enterprises. Jinan City within the scope of crop seed enterprises in Jinan customs declaration export. This means that in the future, domestic crop varieties will go abroad from Jinan to benefit the world.

   This business, Jinan Customs specially sent Quancheng Customs, Laiwu Customs and other business experts into the enterprise breeding base, laboratories and processing workshops, guiding enterprises to do a good job in pest control, provide import countries concerned with dangerous sexually transmitted diseases, insects, weeds and other prevention and control measures, but also guide enterprises in personnel training, facilities, management system and other aspects of the establishment of the whole process, traceability of self-inspection and control management system, from the source to ensure the quality of products.

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