On the joint development of new varieties of maize to seek the announcement: Our friends to invite national seed industry, new varieties of maize varieties have their own (national trial, the provincial examination) of the units or individuals who wish to invite our participation in the joint development, please contact us! Other cotton and oil type, vegetable seeds can also be linked.

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      => PAKCHOI
      => RADISH
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Shandong Province Seeds Group Co., Ltd. to participate in 2021 China Seeds Conference and Nanfan Silicon Valley Forum(2021-4-1 9:33:53)

March20-24th 2021, A number of domestic seed industry academicians, scientific research workers, leading seed industry representatives gathered in Lucheng Sanya, About 2021 China seed Conference and Nanfan Silicon Valley Forum. With the "seed mission, The theme of the future, 1 main forum ,13 sub-forums, More than 100 wonderful reports from more than 100 authoritative experts at home and abroad, Topics covered include rice, corn, vegetables, livestock and poultry, Focus on the frontier of seed industry development, To solve the problem of seed industry, In order to win the seed industry turn over the battle ," pulse "advice.

    As the "chip" of agriculture, how to achieve self-breakthrough in the field of seed industry, and firmly grasp the initiative of seed industry development and even agriculturaldevelopment in their own hands During the conference,academicians, experts, scholars and entrepreneurs focused on seed industry development. On March 20, the main forum focused on the interpretation of the "14th Five-Year Plan "seed industry report, focusing on the frontier of life science, biological breeding, the construction of" Nanfan Silicon Valley ", the key technology of provenance "neck ", the development and utilization of germplasm resources, the construction of commercial breeding system and the protection of global intellectual property rights, covering crops, livestock and poultry, aquatic products, vegetables, fruit trees and other key areas of seed industry,13 thematic sub-forums of rice, corn, vegetables, aquatic products, livestock and poultry, fruit trees, southern propagation, farming reclamation, digital seed industry, free trade port, intellectual property protection of seed industry, modern seed industry park and life science frontier and seed innovation summit forum were held in parallel.

    This conference is one of the authoritative forum activities of Chinese seed industry, which is based on the forefront of Chinese seed industry and gathers the wisdom of the industry,2021 seed conference has the largest number of participants, the highest specification, the strongestexpert lineup and the most influential content. The 2021 seed conference attracted 29 academicians and more than 2500 guests. Shao Changyong, chairman of Shandong Province seeds Group Co., Ltd., attended the meeting and discussed and exchanged with seed industry experts and entrepreneurs on the hot topics of crop seed health, modern physical seed industry and agricultural intellectual property protection.

   When the wind and waves are breaking, the Congress can feel the great energy contained in small seeds and touch the new kinetic energy burst out by the seed industry. It is the Chinese seed industry that is working hard to create a great rejuvenation.

   Zhang Xiaoming, deputy general manager of Shandong Province seeds Group Co., Ltd., and Zou Benfu, marketing director, attended the meeting.

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